Concept for a Distributed Baseload Binary Power Network

Jan 1, 2017·
WD Gosnold
A Crowell
K Keller
Daniel Burke Brunson
Daniel Burke Brunson
L Tyler
F Nwachukwu
C Onwumelu
O Ogochukwu
R Havsed
J Karthauser
· 0 min read
The geological setting of the Williston Basin with six geothermal aquifers having temperatures ranging from 80ºC to 145ºC and access to Missouri River water for cooling is conceptually ideal for distributed, binary power development. The temperatures, depths and hydrologic properties of the geothermal resource are well documented. The efficacy of horizontal drilling for high-volume water production in the basin has been demonstrated at the UND-CLR binary geothermal power plant. A network of high-efficiency, modular power plants installed at intervals along the course of the Missouri River in the Williston Basin could generate as much as 300 MW of electrical power. The key elements in this concept are knowledge of the geothermal resource, horizontal drilling in the geothermal aquifers, a high efficiency, modular, system that cascades the geothermal fluid, and the availability of cold Missouri River water for the condenser phase of the power plant. A special advantage of a distributed power network is its lack of vulnerability to cyber attack.
Geothermal Resources Council Transactions